August 9th, 2010
I love Thai food in general. My fav restaurant is expensive, and this boxed version works just fine.
It just comes with noodles and a sauce packet, $4 a box and plenty of food for two. Add what you have. I mixed in scrambled eggs, sauteed carrots and green onion, sauteed mushrooms in a touch of Worcestershire sauce. Top with cilantro and freshly squeezed lime. Lime is very very important!
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July 13th, 2010
My mom had a lot of mouths to feed. If we went out for dinner it was a buffet. Whenever we went to buffets, I go straight for the blueberry pies. Mmmmm.
But mine’s better. It has fresh blueberries.
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July 13th, 2010
I have the task of preparing finger foods for a professionals’ networking party. I stole this from a wedding I recently went to. They are 1-up version of pigs in a blanket.
I used spicy mango pork sausages wrapped in Pillsbury croissant dough. To make the dough stick, coat the sausage in flour, then run through egg white before wrapping. Bake at 350 until golden. Let them cool a bit before slicing into bite-sized pieces.
The dough is a little soggy and has a weird shape. I will test this next with phyllo dough, which should be stiffer. If you have a dirty mind too, then that sentence sounded weird.
Yummy with deli mustard.
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July 12th, 2010
I haven’t posted in forever. Below is a picture as to what I have been doing thus far, eating.
Chocolate sandwich: make a sandwich using good white bread and a chocolate bar, dip into an egg and milk mixture like you are making french toast, cook in frying pan with a little oil until egg mixture is cooked and the bread is slightly crispy. Om nom nom.
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April 26th, 2010
It was my cousin’s big b-day, so naturally I call up my aunt casually inserting me making a cake in the food planning. My cousin loves ice cream cake, especially mint.
So here is made attempt at mint ice cream. The awesome recipe I found called for a mint infused custard.
The flavor turned out awesome. It is so much different than the mint ice cream I’ve been eating all my life, which is probably just imitation peppermint extract. I wish I made more ice cream though, not nearly enough.

For the cake, I used a red velvet cake recipe without the red coloring and extra cocoa powder. It’s the only cake I can make that doesn’t come out tasting like baked sand. Then I drove like a mad man to my aunts house yelling at other drivers from inside my car while making sure the cake didn’t fall over, because it was melting fast.
But it turned out great!

Damn magic candles!

Random picture of me eating cake.

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April 21st, 2010
Mmmmm focaccia bread.
It’s a simple yeast and bread flour mix, but so fluffy and savory. This one is made with garlic, rosemary and lots of olive oil. No butter but it sure tasted like it did.

I tried making coconut bread a couple times before, but the dough had trouble rising. The trick is to get your oven slightly warm and let the dough rise inside (and make sure it’s moist). Dry, cool desert air is not compatible with yeast :\ So thus begins my experiments with bread making.

Focaccia bread and homemade spaghetti! I started eating before I took a picture. So HUNGRY
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February 21st, 2010
My sister said she wanted one of those fruit tarts for her birthday dessert. This is my attempt at it.

I made the dough and pastry cream the night before and assembled everything the day of. It looked so pretty, too pretty to eat! Here’s that night, glowing with candles.
I must have not allowed the cream to cook for long enough. It didn’t set properly. When I cut into it, all the guts spilled out.

Still tasted good though.
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February 9th, 2010
I’ve eaten eggplant before, but it’s usually smothered in tomato sauce and cheese or stuffed with tomato sauce and cheese. This is my first time cutting into an eggplant. I didn’t know it was filled with seeds o_O It’s cool to eat the seeds right?
I made a veggie quesdadilla with fried eggplant, fresh tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, lots of cheese, basil, paprika, salt and pepper. I honestly thought this was going to be disgusting, but I wanted to do something with eggplant. Surprise surprise, they turned out yummy. Yes Tabasco sauce!
(Fuzzy pic because I own an outdoorsy camera.)
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February 4th, 2010
This sauce can go with lasagna, pasta, veggies and lots of additions to appetizers. The nutmeg in this makes it soooo savory. I literally ate it by the spoonfuls.
4 tbs. butter
4 tbs. all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
1 cup whipping cream
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
parmesan cheese
Melt butter over medium heat in large pan. Stir in flour with wire whisk and simmer 1 minute. Pour in milk and cream and stir until smooth with whisk. Add nutmeg. Serve with parmesan cheese.
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February 2nd, 2010
I’m in the middle of doing my taxes for the first time. I made hella money in the past year but only had $1000 saved for some reason. Went through my bank statements and found where that money went. Mostly clothes and food. Must. Refrain. From. Shopping. Right after this last purchase from AA and UO! 
Here’s a graph of how most of that money was spent:
I promise to cut down on the shopping and eating out. Today for lunch I had ramen. My favorite way to have it is with part of the seasoning packet, spinach, an egg dropped into the boiling water, black pepper and crushed red pepper. Cost $1.00 but tasty.

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